Posts Tagged ‘Personal’

Here’s your weekly Brush-Up video from Dame Pasty, aka, me. Crossposted at

Here’s your weekly Brush-Up video from Dame Pasty, aka, me. Crossposted at

Here’s your weekly Brush-Up video from Dame Pasty, aka, me. Crossposted at

Here’s your weekly Brush-Up video from Dame Pasty, aka, me. Crossposted at

So the young lady who told me she would send my case to the Regional office lied.   I called the Marketplace up today and they informed me that no such thing exists.  They said that the coverage I bought in 2015 was Catastrophic and when I insisted it was a Bronze Plan, they said it must have changed at some point to a Catastrophic plan.  I did remember that Healthnet sent me some info about the plan changing but nowhere in that information did it tell me that the plan would no longer be ACA compliant or that it was being changed to a catastrophic plan.  Furthermore when Healthnet made the change they did not and are not required to tell the Marketplace of the change.  The Marketplace only finds out if a consumer calls them up and complains.  So unless you are a healthcare expert and can read the 100 or so pages of medical and legalese language and can figure out that your plan has changed in some way to make it non-ACA compliant there is no way to know.  In fact, my current plan, a Silver plan, could change at any moment and become non-compliant and I might not know about it.  Until, that is, I have to pay my taxes.

My only option now is to file an appeal with the Marketplace.  It will take them another 90 days to resolve that and the odds are not good that they’ll change their minds.  In the meantime I have to file my taxes without a 1095 and I will owe several thousand dollars as a result.   I need to have surgery for something (not life threatening but necessary).  I needed that refund to pay for it.  I have to wonder how many other tens of thousands of people got screwed like I did.  I wish to hell there was someone I could sue over this.  I wish Arizona had set up it’s own exchange because it would have been better run (but this is a state full of Freedumb and they don’t give a crap about anyone who isn’t rich and connected).  Better yet, I wish we had gone with single payer as country.  If wishes were fishes…